Parents in Partnership policy

Working in Partnership with Parents/ Families Policy

The most important people in a Childs life are their parents, and we consider it vital that we respect the wishes of the parents in the provision of care for their child.

We will provide parents with a copy of my policies so that they are fully aware of my practices, and welcome any comments and suggestions.

Communication is vital and there will be plenty of opportunity for you to speak to us about any concerns you may have regarding the care of your child.

We will keep you well informed as to how your child is getting on in our care and give you as much information about our days together as possible. We often take photo’s and small video’s of them while they are playing which we can show you. If more time is required you are welcome to telephone me or pop round, as I know that time is precious at the end of a day at work.

If you give us your email address we can send you photo’s of your children and small video’s of them at play. This can be very reassuring for new parents as the settling in process can be a very worrying time. You will probably really miss your children and it may be very comforting to be able to see what they are doing and if they are happy.