Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy

We want all children in our care to feel safe and to be protected. As Registered Childminders we have met all the requirements expected of us to make sure that our home is as safe as possible.

Children do not have access to cleaning products, alcohol or any other items which could cause harm to them. They are supervised at all times and are encouraged to play constructively; for example not climbing over furniture and throwing objects at each other.

When outside children are supervised and are expected to show respect for their surroundings and other people. When we go out with the children they are either transported in a buggy, depending on their needs or will have suitable car seats. Older children will be expected to stay with us, whilst walking to schools etc, and we always encourage their awareness of road safety.

We talk to children about being aware of their own safety and encourage them to make their own risk assessments. This helps them to think about their own personal safety and to protect themselves.

We carry a first aid kit with us at all times and have an up to date qualification in first aid.

In the event of fire, children will either leave the house via the front or back doors. Exits are always kept clear. We make them aware of the dangers of fire and make sure they realise the dangers of household appliances. The children are taught to listen very carefully to our instructions and to do exactly what we tell them too, in the event of a fire. There are 2 smoke alarms installed and a carbon monoxide alarm. We also have a fire blanket in the kitchen. Our house has been inspected by the fire board, and British Gas inspect our central heating system on a regular basis.

We carry out regular risk assessments and deal with problems immediately. Your children are not put under any unnecessary risk.

All persons living at our premises over the age of 16, have a police disclosure. This means that we are checked for any prior convictions which may affect our suitability to associate with your children. Any other persons that may come into my premises are not left alone with the children and are asked to sign my visitors book and record the times they are present.

The only time your child may be left with another person would be through your consent or during an emergency situation.

Although we do our utmost to prevent accidents, unfortunately they do happen. Thankfully we have never experienced any thing serious, just minor cuts and grazes but we are prepared in the event that something may happen.

It is vital that we have your telephone numbers as well as other emergency contact numbers, so we are able to contact you. We carry our mobile phones with us at all times which will contain all of your numbers. We will also need your written consent enabling us to either administer first aid or seek medical help for your child. In the event of a serious injury we would first try to assist your child then contact the emergency services. We will contact you as soon as we can, but the care of your child would be our prime concern.

Minor injuries can be dealt with ourselves and we will ring you if I have any concerns at all about the well-being of your child.

Accidents must be recorded and we will ask you to sign an accident report when you come to collect your child.

We have a first aid box at home as well as in the car and keep smaller ones for when we am out with the children. These are kept up to date.

Our home is a non smoking environment and has no pets. As a Registered Childminders we have a duty to protect the children in our care from infection.

This means that we are unable to accept children with contagious illnesses as this will put others at risk. If a child becomes ill in our care we will telephone you and try to separate your child from the other children.

If your child becomes ill at school please do not telephone us to collect him/her.

If your child does not have a contagious infection but requires medication whilst in our care we will need your written consent to do this. Please discuss this with us as we have the appropriate documentation in order to do this.

Please can you let us know any details about your Childs health which you feel we should be aware of, such as asthma, allergies etc. We will also need written consent to administer an asthma pump if required.

If your child requires special care, has special dietary requirements or has any other needs please let us know and we will be happy to meet those needs. Your child may also have needs in relation to your religion or culture and we would like to know about these, to enable us to give your child the best possible care. We will treat your child with respect and sensitivity at all times and expect others in our setting to do the same.

We try to keep my home as clean as possible and expect the children to be aware of hygiene. We teach them to keep their hands clean especially before eating and after using the toilet. They are provided with antibacterial soap. We also encourage them to brush their teeth after meals.

Nappies are disposed of immediately. They are double wrapped and placed in an outside bin.. We wear latex gloves to change nappies, during potty training, when handling soiled clothing and also if we are dealing with an open wound as well as spillages. This is to protect your children, ourselves and our families from infection. Soiled clothing is placed in plastic bags for your collection.

All waste is disposed of safely in the appropriate containers, following correct procedures, out of reach from children. Spillage is cleared immediately, with disposable cloths or wipes and antibacterial spray is used.

We hold a current certificate for food and hygiene and make sure we follow all requirements in the preparation, handling and storage of food. Our home is registered as a food premises.

Children are encouraged to eat healthily and we teach them about nutrition, and the benefits of a balanced diet. They are given well balanced nutritious meals which meet the requirements of individual children, including medical, cultural and religious requirements.

We are concerned about their physical well being and make sure that they have adequate exercise and opportunities to use and develop the many different parts of their bodies. We talk to children and encourage them to take an interest in benefiting their own bodies through physical exercise. This can be through dance, playing games, and playing with equipment. We walk to school and visit local parks on a regular basis.